Saturday, April 18, 2015

The Challenge of Diabetes

It was sunny day on April 10th 2015 and I was on my way to get a physical. I had been feeling pretty healthy and had not gone to my primary for approximately 4 or more years. I had been working out fairly regularly and for the most part felt pretty good. I always drank a lot of water and so urinating at night was par for the course, I did however notice that I would get up a little more than usual to urinate but, not really enough to take notice seriously.

I got to the doctors office and it seems that they where not suppose to be open, however there was a lady inside that opened the door and stated to me that prior to her knowing that they where supposed to be closed, she had already scheduled myself and another patient and that they wanted to honor their commitment to us. I was handed a clipboard and asked to fill it out. I completed the paper work and in a few I was called back.

We had some small talk and my blood pressure was taken. Then I was asked could I give a urine sample, which I did. Mean while I was sitting in the room waiting for the Dr. to come in when the nurse came back and said that she wanted to check my blood sugar, which she did with a glucometer. The nurse looked at the reading with surprise, I asked what was the number she said 435, I said what should it read, she said between 80 and 110, then I asked what does that mean, she said that the doctor would be coming in and talk to me. Needless to say my head was spinning.

The Doctor came in a few minutes later and asked me some questions like did I have breakfast this morning? What did I eat? etc. We spoke about some of my daily activities and exercise as well as my eating and drinking habits. Finally he looked at me seriously and stated that my blood sugar level was high and that it is typically representative of Diabetes. I said Diabetes? I've never been told that I had Diabetes before.

I was in shock! Images came to mind of amputations and blindness due to Diabetes. I was numb! The Dr. then said that in many cases the safe thing to do would be to go to the emergency room and get checked out and that they may want to give me some insulin to bring my blood sugar down.

I have to say that over the next couple of hours, my mind was processing everything I thought I knew about Diabetes. Most of what I knew was about the aftermath, what happens to people with diabetes. Not how you get it or manage it. I ended up leaving the doctors office and going back home, not doing anything about it that night, just thinking about my future. The next day I got up with this diabetes thing on my mind.

I had breakfast and set out to start my day. I ended up having lunch at Golden Corral restaurant and decided to get a glucometer to test my blood sugar. I couldn't seem to get the glucometer to work so I went to a fire station. A gentleman assisted me to see if he could get it to work. He couldn't get it to work either. He did say that they keep a glucometer on site an that he would go get it.

He got back and tested my blood sugar! Surprise! Surprise!

I'll let you know what happened on the nex post stay tuned!

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